Sunday, May 4, 2014

Coming to a Close

7 Months Goes By Fast

In just a few days I'll be jumping on a plane and heading across the pacific, back to America, as my trip comes to a close. It is amazing to me that I've been living in Thailand for seven months now.

White temple in Chiang Rai
My time in Thailand has been incredibly rewarding as I have learned many different things, and gained a lot of life experiences.

The work I've been doing with Stop Slavery has remained interesting and fun as I've used some of my marketing skills, and learned some new ones, to help generate awareness for modern slavery and get Stone in Shoe going.

The experiences I've had I can't put a price on, from the places I've seen, to the people I've met, this trip has been invaluable.

But probably the best part of the last seven months has been learning more about who God is, and recognizing His guidance and direction in my life. The way things sometimes just 'work out' are clearly not by chance, and it is fun to see this occurring in my life and situations around me.

I don't have plans for the future yet, but I'm pretty sure someone does...

A Big Thank You!

Finally got around to riding an elephant
I do want to say a huge thank you to everyone who encouraged me, supported me and prayed for me while I've been in Thailand. What a great blessing it has been to have a team of people across the world joining with me to fight human trafficking in Southeast Asia.

It has been very encouraging to hear from people at different times while I've been in Thailand and I am looking forward to getting back to the states and seeing many of you.

Until then, I would appreciate prayers for the travels ahead.

Thanks again, and God Bless.

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